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1 Papua python
The Papuan python's scientific name is Apodora papuana. This is one of the 10 largest python species in the world today. Papua pythons (Apodora papuana) are native to New Guinea. At an impressive length of 4.39 m (14.4 ft), this beast can weigh up to 22.5 kg (50 lb). You can't help but be amazed when you see it. Papua pythons belong to the family of large snakes, found on the islands of Fegusson and New Guinea. Despite its huge size, the Papua python is quite slow and does not pose a danger to humans.
Papua pythons can change their body color when it comes to breeding season or when they are agitated. Color of the Papuan pythonvaried from black to mustard yellow. However, they are usually olive green when young and darken as they mature. Papua pythons usually hunt at night. Their diet includes other snakes, small mammals. Papua pythons were first discovered in 1878. Papua pythons have a very distinctive blue tongue.
2 Dark-spotted anaconda
The green anaconda also known as the common anaconda or the common water boa with the scientific name Eunectes murinus is a species of giant water snake in the South American python family. This species was first scientifically described by Linnaeus in 1758. It is the largest and heaviest snake in existence. They all have the common feature of hunting warm-blooded animals by biting and biting, then wrapping their bodies in the bait and squeezing it to death and then swallowing it slowly. The python's teeth are curved inward, there is no venom tube, but thanks to the structure of the extended jawbone (up to 180°), it can swallow large prey. Anaconda pythonis a giant python that lives in the Amazon basin, South America. They lead an amphibian lifestyle but rarely climb trees because of their large body mass. This python species lives mainly in aquatic environments and inhabits tropical rainforests.
The green anaconda is the heaviest snake in the world and one of the longest in the world, growing to 5.21 m (17.1 ft) long. Typical adult specimens can grow up to 5 m (16.4 ft), with females averaging 4.6 m (15.1 ft) in length, often much larger than males, averaging about 3 m. Weight has been studied less often, typically ranging from 30 to 70 kg (66 to 154 lb) in the average individual. Although it is slightly shorter than the python, it is much more powerful: an anaconda4.5 m long green python would be comparable to a 7.4 m python. The longest (and heaviest) specimen of the specimen examined was encountered by Dr Jesús Antonio Rivas, who examined thousands of anacondas, measuring 5.21 m (17.1 ft) long and weighing in 97.5 kg (215 lb).
3 Golden Anaconda
The golden anaconda, also known as the Paraguayan anaconda or the Beni anaconda with the scientific name Eunectes notaeus, is a species of snake in the Boidae family. This species was first described by Cope in 1862. It is endemic to South America. Like all pythons, this species is non-venomous and kills its prey by squeezing. No subspecies have been recognised. Large individuals range from 3.3 to 4.4 m (10.8 to 14.4 ft) in total length. Females are generally larger than males, and have been reported up to 4.6 m (15.1 ft) in length. They typically weigh 25 to 35 kg (55 to 77 lb), but specimens weighing more than 55 kg (121 lb) have been observed. Anaconda can swim at speeds of up to 20 km/h and can stay underwater for up to 20 minutes. Like other snakes, they molt frequently.Anaconda females give birth, they can give birth to 10 to 50 cubs per litter (record 100 cubs). Newborn anacondas are about 75 centimeters long and weigh about 250 grams.
Anaconda can become independent immediately and leave the mother only a few hours after being born. Anaconda pythons move quite slowly, so they often rely on "invisibility" and surprise attacks to catch their prey. Without too many enemies, an Anaconda can easily pass the 10 - 12 year mark in the wild. And in captivity, that number will go up to 30 years. Adult Anaconda pythons can be up to 9m long and weigh 550kg. Their oversized size is probably only slightly inferior to the Asian python. In terms of living habits, Anaconda lives in the water but does not eat aquatic products like fish. Their favorite prey are crocodiles, other snakes, goats and even cheetahs.
3 Boa constrictor
Deer pythons are reptiles belonging to the Snake suborder, the Python family has a medium size and weight, often living in captivity. In the wild, they are commonly found along rivers and streams in the Americas, and some Caribbean islands. Deer pythons are typical animals of hermaphroditic (difference in sex) – females are 10-15 kg larger than males. This reptile also has many subspecies and different colors, from brown, gray, cream, reddish brown... depending on the habitat because they need to have a color suitable for the natural conditions in the old forest. The skin of this species has a very different and striking color pattern. Ten subspecies are currently recognized, although some of them are controversial.
Deer pythons usually live alone, not interacting with any other individuals of the same species in the area, except during the breeding season. They are usually nocturnal and expose themselves during the day if the night temperature drops low. Pythons are capable of climbing trees to find food, but they live mainly on the ground. Most species of pythons and snakes do not actively attack, but if they feel threatened, they will cower and wait for an opportunity to counterattack. The bite of a python can cause pain and bleeding, but it does not affect human life. While the Pythons living in Central America are easily excitable, their South American cousins are more calm and easygoing. Boa constrictoris a large snake (python), although it is moderately sized compared to large pythons such as the brocade and Burmese python, usually reaching 3–13 ft (0.91–3.96 m) in length. depending on the area and prey. Hermaphroditic dimorphism is recognizable in this species, with females often being larger than males. The usual lengths of adult female pythons are 7 and 10 ft (2.1 and 3.0 m), and males are 6 and 8 ft (1.8 and 2.4 m) respectively. Females often exceed 10 ft (3.0 m), especially in captivity, reaching 12 ft (3.7 m) or even 14 ft (4.3 m) in length.
5 Snake Scrub Python
Pythons are a family of animals in the snake order, their English name is Python , a word of Greek origin that first appeared in the 1580s. Pythons can be up to 9 m long, weigh more than 60kg, size Big makes them move slower. However, pythons rely on camouflage, patience and strength to hunt successfully. Subscribe python is a non-venomous species, distributed in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia. This is one of the 6 largest python species in the world, can reach more than 8.5 meters in length. This python mainly eats birds, bats, mice, marsupials and small mammals. The 4.6 meter long python belongs to the scrub python specieswas caught by snake catcher David Barwell when he broke into a chicken coop at a resident's home in the Whitsundays Islands, Queensland, Australia. Previously, the animal had stolen chickens from this property and crawled up a tree to escape when snake catchers arrived.
Barwell estimated the python was about 20 years old, according to Yahoo7. "This is a very large python. It's definitely among the biggest I've seen in the last two years," Barwell said. Scrub pythonsOr dust python, ground python is one of the largest python species in the world. They can kill other aggressive animals such as crocodiles, kangaroos. They often hunt large prey such as small kangaroos and even family pets. A woman living in the state of Queensland - Australia experienced the most terrifying moment in her life when she saw her son lying in the mouth of a 4.2 m long python. After learning the story, experts believe that if Amanda Rutland did not intervene in time, the giant scrub python would have eaten a 22-month-old boy named Naish. Australia's Courier Mail quoted Ms Rutland as saying she believed the python had been watching Naish for weeks before deciding to attack him on the porch of the house.
6 Grand cobra
The king cobra , also known as the cloud cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), is a venomous snake of the family Elapidae (family Elapidae), distributed mainly in tropical forests stretching from India to Southeast Asia. This snake is endangered due to habitat loss and has been listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List since 2010. The king cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world with an average length of 3.18 to 3.18. 4 meters, the longest individual ever recorded is 5.85 meters. Although the term "cobra" is in the common name of this snake, they are not in the genus Naja (genus of true cobras). It is the only species in the genus Ophiophagus. The prey of the king cobramainly other snakes, even this snake cannibals. When primary prey is scarce, the king cobra will eat a few small vertebrates such as lizards and rodents. King cobras are considered dangerous and scary in their range, although they do not actively attack humans.
Grand cobrais a prominent symbol in the myths and folk traditions of India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar; revered in the Hindu cultural beliefs of the Indian subcontinent. It is the national reptile of India. The average length of an adult snake is about 3.18 to 4 m (10.4 to 13.1 ft), and the average weight is about 6 kg (13 lb). Historically, the longest known specimen is kept at the London Zoo, growing to around 5.6 to 5.7 m (18 to 19 ft) in length before euthanizing due to the timing of the explosion. Second World War. In 1951, the heaviest wild specimen captured by the Royal Island Club of Singapore, weighed 12 kg (26 lb) and was 4.8 m (15.7 ft) long. By 1972, another even heavier captive specimen was kept at the New York Zoological Park, measuring 12,King cobras are sexually dimorphic, with males being larger and especially lighter in color during the breeding season.
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