danh sách bài viết

Mini game: "What the longest sentence that you can write?"

Vote: 7

---- Study, Practice and Share ----

(May có bạn Phong.OSA chỉ cách đăng ảnh :3)

Picture 1: a

Picture 2: a

Picture 3: a

Picture 4:

Bạn có thể sử dụng 1 ảnh:
Pic 1: The blue guy with a black long hair is looking at the immense sky when the birds (?) are flying. (18 từ)

Hoặc nhiều ảnh:
Pic 1 + pic 2: The cool blue boy seeming to miss his girlfriend while she is dating with another boy on the boat. (19 từ hơn câu trước rồi)

Mọi người lưu ý là câu đơn nhé. Nếu bạn viết câu ghép sẽ chuyển sang tranh giải funny :3

Vì chỉ mang tính chất giao lưu nên có thể ngày mai hay khi nào đó mới kết thúc.

End Game!!! See you in the next game ^^


11 bình luận

eva-tramy | Vote: 0

In a movie name 'avata', there is a man has blue skin, long hair, green eyes and he is holding a bow


nhitruc | Vote: 0

1,In a movie named 'avatar', there is a man has blue skin, long hair, green eyes and he is holding a bow, and there are a lot of birds, they are flying around him(34từ),hình này trong phim avatar hả bạn?


TrungBK95 | Vote: 0



ngochan94 | Vote: 0

píc 2: Here is the picture in the movie Titanic, romantic scene, two people are on a boat. woman standing in front of his arms sideways as is wind, the man behind the woman hugged the waist, their emotional closeness was looking for a happy airspace. (44 từ)


Phong.OSA | Vote: 0

Pic 3. There is a boy and beside him there is a tiger, maybe they are friends and now it is the summer so they are taking a vacation in the sea by boat, but they are lost the way to back home because they do not have a smarphone with a GPS funtion, that why they are waiting for help from some fishers but there are nobody who knows that they are in trouble.

That's long enough I think, but that's not true. That is a scene of the film which they call Life of Pi! Do you like this film?


NguyenQuoc234 | Vote: 0

Anh ơi, cách đăng trên bài thảo luận thì làm thế nào vậy ạ ?


Phong.OSA | Vote: 0

Giống như lúc em đăng bài đòi lingot từ bạn giang thôi, có gì khác đâu!


NguyenQuoc234 | Vote: 0

Anh ơi, em viết nhầm ạ. Em hỏi là làm thế nào để đăng hình ảnh ạ ?


Phong.OSA | Vote: 0

! [ a ] ( link ảnh )


Phong.OSA | Vote: 0

Tất cả viết liền nhau nha, ko có khoảng cách đâu!


NguyenQuoc234 | Vote: 0

Em biết cách up ảnh rồi, anh cho một chút xíu nha, em sẽ chọn một anh


NguyenQuoc234 | Vote: 0

[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/hVNpFnK.png[/IMG] Em đã biết cách up ảnh rồi


NguyenQuoc234 | Vote: 0


Oh yeah !!


wuyson123 | Vote: 0

ha ah ah


quanlienminh | Vote: 0

[ a ] (http://v2.cdn.ringring.vn/JgXXlF23iLlZaP3hSsEY/640x10000x2/image/0/0/544/557739.jpg)


quanlienminh | Vote: 0



quanlienminh | Vote: 0

Hoàng Minh


PhamQuynhT9 | Vote: 0

the tiger and the black people are in a white boat in th sea
